Officers & Board of Directors

2025 Officers

Alfons Bielecki


Alfons Bielecki

Al will work with each member of the Board of Directors to assure the Club runs smoothly.   The Commodore presides at all Club meetings and exercises general supervision over the affairs of the Club. 

Rich Knaul


Rich Knaul

       assisted by  Diana Bielecki 

Rich takes charge of all funds belonging to the Club, receives all dues or other income and makes disbursements.  

Past Commodore 

Louise Wilson 

Louise will continue to serve on the OYC Board as Past Commodore until the next Commodore is elected. 

2025 Board of Directors 

Swimming Director     Tyson Turner

Responsible for hiring, supervision and scheduling of lifeguards, placement of swim dock and line, raft and lifeguard boats.

Andrea Fusco

Kitchen Director

 Andrea Fusco

Oversees and coordinates the operation of the Club kitchen, dining room and clubhouse.  The Kitchen Director works with the Social Director as well as the kitchen operator to coordinate social activities with kitchen offerings.  

Laurie Weller

Membership Director 

       Laurie Weller            assisted by Deb Spencer

Develops and implements membership plans for retention of current members and the growth of new members.  Receives and processes all requests for membership. 

Grounds Director 

Mike Castiglia 

This director oversees the maintenance of all outdoor equipment and furniture. Responsible for lawns, parking areas, roads and mole.

Buildings Director

Diana Bielecki 

Assisted by  Ed Epstein

 & Assistant Treasurer    Oversees the maintenance of all Club-owned buildings.  Assists Treasurer with financial matters

Social Director

Louise Wilson 

The Social Director books musical entertainment for member enjoyment as well as coordinating assorted club social events. 

Sailing Director 

Jim Kusche

 Assisted by 

Steve Vincent

Supervises sailboat races and keeps records of results. Responsible for Club committee boat and race equipment.

We are looking for sailors to participate in fun sailing events.​

Waterfront Director 

Dave Morris

  Assisted by 

Responsible for shore and mooring locations, boat parking facilities, boat docks, Club boats and equipment.